Free Hugs

How I became a free hugger

It all started on an ordinary day while I was walking down the streets of Paris. A couple was stading my way holding up a sign saying ‘FREE HUGS’. I walked towards them. Both hugged me and in silence, we all smiled. As I left them behind after getting my ‘free hug’, I felt it! The smile that accompanied me for the rest of that day inspired me to start researching about the Free Hugs Campaign.

Back at home, I invited some friends to join me for my first free hugs spree in the Austrian capital, and this is how the group Free Hugs Vienna was born in the summer of 2013. Since then, hundreds of other supporters have joined me in bringing smiles to the faces of thousands of people whose path we have crossed with open arms.

The Free Hugs Vienna group remained active until early 2020. Given my move from Vienna to Brussels, I remain hopeful the group will find a new lead in post-pandemic times.

Next you will find a selection of articles and interviews from my journey as a Free Hugger.

"Free Hugs and I" in the Media

Free Hugs Vienna on Facebook